Shashwat of Karnataka has won the first ever Snow Marathon organized in the country. The Snow Marathon, organised first of its kind at Sissu in Lahaul and Spiti district (Himachal Pradesh) on Saturday, the winner took four hours and 41 minutes to complete the 42-km stretch of full marathon. He was engaged in running practice for a long time during his stay in Manali. In the women’s category, Dolma of Palchan (Manali) completed her race in five hours and five minutes. Organized in association with Reach India and District Administration, this marathon was conducted in five categories which witnessed overwhelming response across the nation. This was the first time that a snow marathon was organized in the country. Till now, snow marathons were conducted in countries of the cold icy regions such as the polar circles, Antarctica, Russia and northern Europe. This time in Himachal Pradesh, not only this initiative, but the hold the distinction of organizing a snow marathon at the highest altitude of 10,000 feet above the sea level.